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Paderborn University [UPB] and Qingdao University of Science and Technology [QUST] successfully cooperate many years in the field of engineering and natural sciences, which is in the Chinese-German technical faculty with courses for Chinese students in mechanical engineering and chemistry, as well as for German master students in Mechanical engineering in China, and in the cultural sciences focusiing on German as a foreign language.

The establishment of the Chinesisch-Deutscher Campus [CDC] is a strategic decision for the Paderborn University to deepen and expand university contacts with Chinese partners, in order to ensure international cooperation on a high scientific level to push the level further.

Sicherheitsveranstaltung Am 8. November 2023 fand die Sicherheitsveranstaltung statt, bei der folgende Themen diskutiert wurden. 1. **Laborsicherheit:** Richtlinien und Verfahren für sicheres Arbeiten in Laborumgebungen, einschließlich der Handhabung von Chemikalien, Geräten und anderen Laboreinrichtungen. 2. **Gefahrenbewertung:** Identifizierung und Bewertung potenzieller Gefahren in verschiedenen Arbeitsumgebungen, um angemessene…

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Erstmalig durchgeführt im Wintersemester 2023/2024" Das Wintersemester 2023/2024 steht vor der Tür, und angehende Laborforscher bereiten sich darauf vor, in die aufregende Welt des Labors einzutauchen. In diesem Artikel stellen wir das Vorhaben „Praktikum CDC Lehrveranstaltung Polymers and Materials“ vor, welches exklusiv den chinesischen Studierende des Chinesisch-Deutschen Campus [CDC] angeboten wird. Ziel dieses Praktikums ist es, den…

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Am Montag, 24. April, wurde eine hochrangige Delegation der Qingdao University of Science and Technology (QUST) durch die Präsidentin der Universität Paderborn Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf empfangen. Der Besuch der siebenköpfigen Delegation der QUST unter Leitung des Präsidenten Prof. Dr. Kezheng Chen ist nach der langen pandemiebedingten Pause die erste Auslandsreise der Universitätsleitung der QUST und gilt dem wichtigsten Kooperationspartner, der…

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Getriebepraktikum am CDC Am 02.06.2023 nahmen Studierende des CDC, im Rahmen von Maschinenelemente Grundlagen, am Getriebepraktikum unter Leitung von Christian Rej teil. Das zweistündige Praktikum bot den Studierenden die Möglichkeit, unter Anleitung ein Getriebe eigenständig zusammenzubauen. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die Grundlagen des Getriebesystems, die verschiedenen Arten von Getrieben und ihre Funktionen sowie Aufgabenbereichen und…

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Welcome party and barbecue party for students year CDC 2021 CDC 2021 students have gradually acclimatised to life in Germany and successfully vaccinated two doses of the Corona vaccine. As the situation in Germany continues to improve, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bremser (Rector of the Sino-German Campus) and members of the CDC team (Dr. H. T. Tran-Thien, M. Sc. Minghui Tang, Wenjian Zhou) jointly planned a welcome party and barbecue for the CDC 2021…

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CDC Easter Egg Event Easter is the anniversary of the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his death on the cross, and a traditional holiday in Western countries. Easter symbolises rebirth and hope. The egg is the most typical symbol of Easter. On the eve of Easter, people colour and paint eggs and hide them indoors or in the grass for children to find. Eggs signify the arrival of spring and the birth of new life. On 14 April 2022, Prof. Dr.…

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General safety and occupational health and safety rules Regular presence operation On Monday, April 4, 2022, the University of Paderborn started a regular summer semester with full presence again, since the legal basis for most of the previously applicable corona protection measures and the associated special regulations are no longer applicable. The "concept for working and studying on the campus of the University of Paderborn" expired on…

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First graduates of the Bachelor of Materials Science degree programme.

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[Translate to English:] Speed Dating Event: Chinesische und deutsche Studierende in ihren Sprachtandem (ZfS Universität Paderborn, H.T. Tran-Thien).

On November 19, 2021, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bremser (Prorector of the Chinese-German campus) and the CDC team (Dr. H. T. Tran-Thien, M.Sc. M. Tang) invited a total of 28 students to the first CDC tandem speed dating meeting. Chinese students of the Chinese-German Campus [CDC] and course participants in Chinese courses of the ZfS of the University of Paderborn [UPB] got to know each other. Five groups have formed; each group had 10 minutes to…

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University of Paderborn congratulates Chinese partner university

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On June 17th, the course series "Materials Chemistry of the Elements" by Prof. M. Bauer, held exclusively for the Chinese-German Campus [CDC], successfully took place in the form of a semi-presence/online. The event was attended by approximately 50% of the students (Group A) at the CDC premises; the other 50% of the students (Group B) joined the video conference online. Since the COVID-19 easing at the beginning of June 2020, it is now also…

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[Translate to English:] Bei der Veranstaltung im Hörsaal G: vordere Reihe v. l.: Kai Zhao, Dr. Hoang Trang Tran-Thien, Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Seng, Le Wang, Dr. Vera Denzer und Hongyu Zhu. Hintere Reihe, v. l.: Fabian Ludolph, Prof. Dr. Jens Förstner, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bremser, Davina Stiller, Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier und Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer. Foto (Universität Paderborn, Ricarda Michels):

On Friday, September 27, as part of the "Chinese Culture Days" in Paderborn, those interested were able to gain an insight into the university's diverse connections to China.

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[Translate to English:] Empfangsfeierlichkeit CDC Neustudierender 2019: Prof. Hans-Joachim Warnecke, Vertretung CDC Prorektor Prof. Wolfgang Bremser, Prof. Lianxiang Ma, Präsident QUST, und weitere Mitglieder des Präsidiums der QUST. (Foto: QUST).

Reception ceremony for new students 2019 of the Chinese-German Campus [CDC]; This year, a total of 360 students have enrolled in Materials Science; Of these, 120 students have registered for the Coatings & Energy Materials major and 240 students for Composite Materials. In comparison, in the past years 2017 and 2018 there were only 100 students each...

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[Translate to English:] Besuch Xidian University Elektrotechnik: Die Vertreter der beiden Universitäten der Institute Computer Science & Elektrotechnik und des Konfuzius Institutes Paderborn. Foto Quelle: Thien Hoang Trang Tran.

On February 11th, the Dean Prof. Dr. Gushun Cai, School of Electronic Engineering, led a delegation from the Chinese Xidian University visiting Paderborn. Xidian University is based in Xi'an, the capital of central China's Shaanxi Province. Xi'an has over 10 million inhabitants, was the capital of several Chinese imperial dynasties and is also known as the starting point of the Silk Road.

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[Translate to English:] Foto 1 (Universität Paderborn, Kamil Glabica): Besiegelten die noch engere Kooperation zwischen ihren Hochschulen: V. l. Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, Präsidentin der Universität Paderborn, und Prof. Dr. Yang Zongkai, Präsident der Xidian-Universität, beim Unterzeichnen des Abkommens.

On Thursday, November 15th, President Prof. Dr. Yang Zongkai-led delegation from the Chinese Xidian University visited the University of Paderborn. Zongkai and Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, President of the University of Paderborn, signed an agreement that provides for the continuation of student exchanges between the two universities and to intensify research cooperation, particularly in the areas of technology and natural sciences.

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